Educational Programs

Live Wildlife Educational Programs for Groups

Who? Scouts, Community organizations, Senior Citizens, Schools (including Home schools and Cyber Schools), Libraries, Environmental Education Centers, State/National Parks, tourism destinations and more may contract for our engaging and informational presentations.

What? We present audience-appropriate engaging and educational presentations sharing live wildlife ambassadors. We have various reptiles, birds, and mammals available for presentations, all species native to Northeastern PA.

Where? We come to YOU! Small group tours/presentations are available on-site as well by appointment.

Details: The Wilderz at Pocono Wildlife is licensed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of Agriculture, PA Game Commission, and PA Fish and Boat Commission to provide educational presentations (certificate of liability insurance available upon request). These programs are themed and tailored to the age and interests of the audience.

The Presenter:

Executive Director Susan Downing loves to share her experiences and knowledge of wildlife with those around her. She is a licensed PA Wildlife Rehabilitator and has her education permit.

Troy Schoeneberger is a high school teacher who brings his own style and abilities to the programming team.

Our wildlife ambassadors represent some of the most fascinating native wildlife in PA. Please visit our Ambassadors Page for individual animal information.

The Presentations:
Children’s presentations utilize a variety of animals and age-appropriate information and vocabulary. Topics can be simple, using a storybook and a live animal representative of the story, or themed presentations about subjects such as “Amazing Animal Adaptations”, “Predators and Prey”, “Beautiful Birds”, “Cold-blooded and Cool!”

Adult presentations can have similar themes but the content is deeper, humor infused, and more time is provided for questions and conversations.

Workshops/formal presentations are available on a variety of topics. Generally, a PowerPoint presentation or video coupled with live wildlife ambassadors and props to illustrate information accompanies. Examples: Owls of PA (or NJ/NY), Canids of the Northeast (foxes and coyotes), Porcupines, a Prickly Subject.

The Wilderz are also is available to provide workshops at wildlife conferences on a variety of topics.

Costs: Wildlife presentations range from 45 minutes (K-2) to an hour and a half (older children and adults). The number and species of live wildlife ambassadors depends on the program selected but does not affect the cost. Prices are based on time and mileage. There are discounts for multiple programs (per day, as in a school, or by contract, as in a tourist destination contracting weekly or monthly presentations). Please keep in mind that funds derived from these education programs are utilized to maintain high-quality lives for our ambassadors, licensing by multiple government agencies, insurance and transportation. Please contact us for prices and availability.

Are you interested in learning what it takes to be a wildlife rehabber? Wildlife EDU is a collection of modules created by Red Creek Wildlife Center, Inc. to educate those who are looking into or are active in the wildlife rehabilitation field.

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1161 Cherry Drive,
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
